Natural Cleaners

A field of grass with the sun shining in it.

At Woods Bay Winery, we use natural commercial cleaners to sanitize equipment and thoroughly rinse afterwards.  We also boil all of our corks so there is no chance of chemical infiltration. Many of the wineries today use harsh sanitizers that contain Dodecylbenzenesulfonic and Phosphoric Acids. The label instructions on these products say after sanitizing equipment, "Do not rinse after application".

At Woods Bay Winery, we use natural commercial cleaners to sanitize our equipment and afterward, thoroughly rinse the chemicals away.

Corks also need to be sanitized before bottle corking and most wineries will use chemicals for this process. The corks absorb the chemicals and they then slowly seep into the wine. Just before corking, we boil our corks so there is no chance for chemical infiltration. In addition, the boiling method extracts the chemicals and paraffin waxes that the cork manufacturer injects in or on their corks.

Woods Bay Winery 'heat stamps' the corks so that no ink residue seeps into our wines.

We take these steps to ensure you are drinking wine, not chemicals.